My teaching experience at British School of Bucharest

Back to my college years, I was an English tutor for children of all ages, from five to twenty five. This was a way to earn my pocket money, as well as a great personal and professional development. For many who think I was just in love with English so this was how I knew all conditionals types, let them think further.
I did it with more than twenty children for four years. It was more than pocket money.
Fast forward twenty years I had again the chance to do it from a different perspective.
As an individual business consultant, I share my knowledge on two directions which are feeding one another:
- creative (and practical) business evaluation, strategy and implementation
- creative business training
After training 150+ people from 12 companies, I felt the urge to try a different audience. Talking with a friend with a solid HR business expertise, we came up with the idea to bring the business acumen to the teenagers, as a part of their after school curricula.
This is how I started the project “Early business classes for early success” with my first class - Persuasion Skills for Winners - at British School of Bucharest.
Targetting kids aged 13 to 18, this class aimed to teach them persuasion skills that will make them winners in every area, be it personal or professional and applicable also for love:)
Understading the difference between manipulation and persuasion, the different types of audience and how they should tailor made their presentations accordingly, balancing rational with emotional, building trust and credibility and faking good traits till they actually own them, the class was an open door to a generation that I felt I would enjoy listening and learning from.
I was right. For three months, I have had my weekly dose of inspiration. One rule of our class was to write down at least one thing that each of them learned during that particular lesson. By the end of the course, I kindly asked them to wrap all these into a summary that would sound like a persuasion presentation for others to join the class.
I was totally impressed with their outcome and I do consider that it is one of my best professional recommendations!
I quote below one of the resumes (that includes inside jokes from our class, of course) which proves the immense potential this generation has.
“It is said that emotios appeal to everyone. I am not going to brag about how this class is vital for your mental health, however I am going to tell you a story. We live in an influencing world. A world where bio-cleaning products can become your future, where you can convince others that a rose on Valentine’s day can be priced at even 50 lei and where you can follow your passions even if others do not agree with them.
In this class not only did I learn that one size does not fit all, but also that sometimes you need to fake it till you make it. Yes, ladies and gentlemen, fake it till you make it! I am standing in front of you now because I actually believe I know what I am talking about, but I can assure you that a couple of months back I would also be here pretending to actually know what I was saying, however with the same confidence and re-assurance.
I have learned how to ask “What’s in it for me?” and as selfish as that might sound, it is true. How many things do you do daily because they benefit you?
If you find yourself in front of an audience not knowing if the kid in the back is laughing at you or at a joke his friend told him, if the girl at the front is actually listening or thinking about what she ate at lunch or if the man that you just walked in came for your talk or just walked in by accident, this class is for you.
In an engaging, simply laid out lesson, you will learn to value the best of it.
What does not kill you, will make you stronger. The class won’t close in on you, the teacher won’t bite and the one hour per week will be worth your time. So what have you got to loose?
Our generation is more mature than most adults think. So let us prove them wrong. There are many types of people in this world and this class is for everybody. I learned TRUST is the foundation of our society, so come along and build it”
Chapeau, L (and all other kids), thank you so much!